
**** Applications for NEW Membership is CLOSED until further notice ****

1 Becoming a Member

Being a member is fantastic! Each member is responsible for their wee plot of land and all the structures on it. All gardens are strictly organic and  We run by a volunteer Board of Directors and many hours of volunteer work. Some of the basics requirements include:

  • Plot holders are responsible for the maintenance and weeding of plots and surrounding pathways at all times
  • Plots must be tidied and prepared for winter, and must be planted in spring and maintained throughout the summer season.
  • Volunteer hours, upkeep and maintenance are to be coordinated by the Board of Directors. All members should volunteer.
  • Small gardening structures such as trellises and cloches are allowed if they do not encroach upon paths, community spaces, or neighbouring plots and are pre- approved by the board.
  • Plants must be kept within one’s own plot boundaries and not shade their neighbours.
  • Taking things from garden plots other than one’s own plot is considered theft
  • Gardeners should follow organic growing practices, and may not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides in the garden, including animal poisons
  • Treated wood or railroad timbers may not be used
  • Watering may only be done when gardener is at garden.

And of course many more...but mostly it's just common courtesy and respect for the garden and gardeners around you!


Each member is responsible for the upkeep of their plot and their north and west pathways. It is always wonderful when a gardener or group of gardeners takes on community areas near them to keep our garden beautiful. All members are expected to follow the specific guidelines the Constitution, By Laws, Standing Rules & Code of Conduct. We hope that every gardener can participate in our Annual General Meeting, Our Spring Clean up, Summer Picnic and of course volunteer to make our Garden GREAT!

3 How to Become a Member

Being a member is easy! Do you like to garden? Are you all for organic gardening? Do you have a passion for helping make our garden spectacular?  Come down to our garden and pick up an application form in Spring at our Entry Way Kiosk! Our wait list is long but with patience you will soon be gardening. When a plot comes available it is offered to the first person of the top of the waiting list. Preference is for applicants to be residents of the Surrey and White Rock Area. Plots come in small or large sizes.  We have specific guidelines set out according to a set Constitution, By Laws, Standing Rules & Code of Conduct


  1. Where do I return my application? Is it best to mail it to your PO box or is there somewhere at the gardens to return it? Thank you so much! Excited!!

    1. Applications must be obtained at the Information Kiosk In May/April. They are first come first serve and they are to be mailed back to us at our PO Box. They are specially marked each year and only a small amount are put out as we have a very long waiting list.

  2. Can an application be sent to me by postal mail or e - mail?

    1. Applications must be obtained at the Information Kiosk In May/April. They are first come first serve and they are to be mailed back to us at our PO Box. They are specially marked each year and only a small amount are put out as we have a very long waiting list.

  3. Hello, I went to the garden today but there were no application forms in the box. Could you please tell me how I can apply?

    1. Applications must be obtained at the Information Kiosk In May/April. They are first come first serve and they are to be mailed back to us at our PO Box. They are specially marked each year and only a small amount are put out as we have a very long waiting list.

  4. Hi hi thanks i will pick up a application in april , iwas on a waiting list but it was for alexandra comm garden , i recieved the wrong contact info i wanted to to apply to dunsmuir gardens talk soon thanks

  5. We have been on the waitlist since 2018. How can we find out where we are on the list?


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