What's Been Going On...


Hello Dunsmuir Gardeners!

Whew... we have made it through a challenging season and we wish you all a very Happy Holiday Season and want to extend our warmest regards and safe wishes during this difficult time. We still managed to complete an awful lot this year and the garden is looking fabulous! Many of us dug in to keep the grounds organized and tidy and many little and big jobs have been tackled. 

Apple Trees

We have Apple Trees! Our President worked together with both Vancity Savings and the City of Surrey to create our new APPLE ORCHARD! Yes!! Our awesome Apple Co-ordinators purchased an amazing array of Apple Trees and organized the planting. Some fantastic volunteers nurtured the little trees as they waited for the city to prepare the area. We hope that 2021 brings us lots of volunteers to keep our little trees healthy and safe during the coming season. When the trees finally fruit we will be all enjoying the fruits of our labour... terribly punny right?

New Roof

Some fearless volunteers climbed up and fixed our roof on our outdoor area by the Main Shed! It is sparkling in the sun now and the whole structure has been made sturdy and durable again! We hope that the new season will see us being able to congregate with appropriate distancing and masks :) 

Garbage & Composting

We have FINALLY received more green bins! Thank you for your patience. Remember if they are all full just keep the debris in your plot and add in when they are emptied. We encourage you not to pile waste in front of the bins. It is frustrating at times but we have been using this method as the large bins were seeing too much LARGE debris and garbage being tossed in and they were requiring more man power than we have to manage.  

New Entry Trellis

An amazing Gardener volunteered his talent to build us a NEW entry trellis! A few strong gardeners helped put the beautiful structure up securely and VOILA! Dynamite!

Inspections - New Volunteer Method!

This year many volunteers stepped forward to conduct the inspections this year! Each one took on a season (or more than one) and they went out in the rain and muck to check our pathways and little treasures. It was a new format for us to try and it worked really well! Hopefully these fearless souls will return to the task again next year.

Invasive Species Removal

Well...we received notification that we had to remove a few pesky (but lets be honest, beautiful) plants from our garden spaces. A large group came together in shifts and in assigned areas armed with tools and masks to make short work of a very big task. Thank you! 

Thank you to our Volunteers

A huge THANK YOU!!! to all the volunteers whom showed up, organized, smiled and put in such hard work this season! Each of you are very very appreciated by all of us who call Dunsmuir Garden ours. Without your help our garden wouldn't be able to run.

Kindest Regards,

The Board.


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